Wednesday, May 18, 2011

5.0 Side Emblems and Trunk Emblems

To give our Mustang some extra flare, we installed brand new badges and emblems to the Mustang on both front quarter-panels in front of the doors, as well as a new Ford emblem and LX emblem on the trunk door. Over all, the install for the emblems were pretty easy, although we paid extra attention to detail, making sure both emblems were straight on both sides. All these emblems are available at our favorite supplier, latemodel restoration supply!

The old 5.0 Emblem on the right-side front quarter panel.

Clinton carefully removes the old emblem to make room for the new.

Clinton uses a heat gun to melt the adhesive holding the old emblem on to make things easier.

The old LX emblem being carefully pried from the trunk.

The old adhesive and rust that was underneath the old Ford emblem.

Clinton installs the 5.0 Emblems onto the left side of the Mustang.

One 5.0 emblem after being installed.

First Test Drive!!!

Just last night, some members of the team drove the vehicle for the first time as an electric vehicle! The Mustang drove smoothly and is very near completion. The team still has to finish all of the necessary wiring such as wiring all lights and turning signals as well as install a kill switch into the cab of the car to stop the flow of electricity in case of an emergency.

We are now in the process of putting finishing touches on the car, and we should be completely finished by this weekend's challenge.