McMichael came in third place!
School Initiative- Kenzie McCollum; placed 2nd
With the help of Matthew Satterfield, Robert Skipworth, Tyler Haney, Mr.Wheatley and his class, and Ms.Terrell and her class. McMichael had 307 points in this event while 1st place had 393 and 3rd had 228. This event is about receiving points by doing things to inform the community and school about electric vehicles and the challenge.
Oral Presentation- Tyler Smith and Nathan Connor; placed 3rd
This was Nathan's second year in this event and Tyler's first. This event consist of preparing a speech about our electric vehicle, what we have learned, and electric vehicles in general.
Jeopardy- CJ Hall and Dylan Sullivan; placed 4th
Although Tyler Haney, who planned to participate in this event for the second time, couldn't make it and Dylan had no time to prepare before taking his place. This event involves students preparing for it by learning a packet of information about the Ev Challenge and then using it while playing jeopardy against other schools.
Troubleshooting- Spencer Griffin and Chase Benfield; placed 5th
This was Spencer's 3rd year participating in troubleshooting and Chase's first. In this event, students have to take a written test and also find the problem within a circuit of wires.
Vehicle Design (Modified class)- Kenzie McCollum and Chase Benfield; placed 4th
This was the first year participating in the Ev Challenge for both of them. During this event the two had to talk about their school's electric car and the changes they made to it.
Range (Modified class)- Spencer Griffin and Chase Benfield; placed 2nd
We hope to install a BMS to help us monitor and control our batteries next year so we can last even longer in the range event. We drove 32 miles during the event while the 1st place school drove 34 miles. The purpose of this event is to drive around the track provided by the NCCAR facility to test how many miles the car's batteries will last.
Autocross (Modified class)- Chase Benfield; placed 1st
This was Chase's first time in any autocross event; although, he has experience with racing go-carts. His best time was 50.135 seconds. This event consist of a student driving their electric car through a course set up with cones while trying to get the best time and avoid hitting any of the cones.
Acceleration (Modified class)- Kenzie McCollum and Tyler Smith; placed 2nd
Kenzie's time was 10.828 seconds and Tyler's was 10.805 seconds. In this event, a student drives their school's car an eighth of a mile to try and get the best acceleration time.
Vehicle Design |
Autocross |
Acceleration |
Range |
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